Expanding my horizons :D

Edit: Made the bass more solid, fixed snare.

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  • lol

  • so nooby

  • AESOME track!

  • watch that clipping!DnB not my thing bu still awesome song!! very dancey!! the snares a bitt too soft! the song is great it just is lacking Eqing and compressing thats all

  • love!!

  • Good so far, like how the rythym drops in with the drums. Like the melodies. Bass is a bit too loud but still cool :) maybe make it deeper? I like how all the synths sound jumpy.

    Well overall its a really nice track. I like it nice job :)

  • I like it.

  • Nice but i have to agree with @KLI|\X

  • Nice

  • thanks guys. does seem overpowering @http ://www.audiotool.com/user/darka thanks :)

  • Nice track! I'm not really a big DnB fan, but I like this :) Good job :D

  • I like the melody, but it needs a little more bass imo :)

  • cool track man nice job you did a great job for the first DnB track :D id have to say you nailed the DnB ;)

  • dude never worry about if you should be putting your tracks on my wall anyone and everyone is welcome to advertise their tracks on my wall ;) its more likely that i will listen that way also... besides the fact i noticed this in the top 10 :D whoop whoop!!!