One of my longer songs.

Made for my holiday on saturday.

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  • I really like this. The beginning really kicked everything off. Impressive.

  • Some general critiquing: You don't really give it enough room to gain volume, so when it opens up, it's a little underwhelming and everything kinda gets lost. Don't be afraid to back off the volume, give it some room. As for the actual composition, the structure of the song is interesting, but your melody is a little meh. It doesn't feel like it's going anywhere. That might be a good place to practice in the future. Like the feel, keep producing!

  • nice intro dude 0.20 to 0.30 really reminded me of anoter user called B-ST :)

  • I was expecting something completely different... Love it :)

  • Pretty SIck

  • I've had this shit on repeat for the past week. Truly an amazing song.

    Also, I'm a DJ and I might be working in a club again starting august. If you would allow me to play this, it would benefit us both.

  • I like the melody

  • holy shit :O

  • Dope Track!

  • nice work!


  • Wow, amazing job on this friend!! Deff a well deserved Gem! <3

  • awesome lol

  • Very k0ol