Wow, that drop is sick man!

I really like this.. i dont know how i did it.. but i like it very much
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1 -
1 hey jus heard this , not bad .... good one , wild long drop . sick tho
1 nice!
1 +++ I feel like you have really amazing ideas; this is hot stuff
1 Oh thats really kool great job
1 this has been added to the best of AT album i have :)
0 Republished
okay... fixed ending.. changed beat to make it a little less repetative... and added a little more effect to the backfround melody.. kinda did a little mixing aswell.. soo basically i added a lot more awesome!
1 nice one dude, check out my stuff.
1 Dayum i like we should collab?!?
1 Awesome!
1 Interesting.
1 Love what you did with the drums!
1 powerful
1 needs some mixing but its really awesome!!!