i kinda like this better than "Welcome". - SOLACE


Teqtoniq: made the chords, the subbass, the popping bass things, note variation++

SOLACE: mastering, drums, buildups, arrangements, note variations

kavil: the epic 8bit melody thing

bluedude: the maker of that fucking awesome glidey synth, epic arp too

Gravidon: pulv synth towards the end

Aron: the wubs, note variation+

Notoz: random effects that made the song cooler

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  • rererererererererefav

  • dat arp is epic

  • ayyyyee

  • 1000 play

  • Dem drums tho.

  • Refaving this again and again.

  • This is sausome!

  • beginning is so goddamn sexy. that bass drum sounds so cool!

  • Chords need some frequency modulation or variation. They drain me. Overall structure is nice.

  • I am in fricken love trance with that fricken bass drum.

  • Wasnt sure what to expect from this, but was pleasantly surprised. A few places where the drums sounded weird to me, but overall I really enjoyed this.

  • -Aron

  • @amoeba thanks! but it doesn't matter who made what, imo, WE made it, and thats why the wobble sounds good. and solace edited it, too.

  • Heavenly sound