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1 Damn, sounds like an android calming down a sad owner.
1 dang cuz
1 this is amazing
1 wow just wow torn, great great production bra! have some catching up to do!
1 Its going to take me a year to catch up with everyone
1 Whats up Torn Long long time U are still the best
1 Wooow that was good. Chill's the right tag for that for sure. I had such a mellow don't worry be happy feel through that whole thing. And the vocals sounded freaking amazing.
1 has a deliberate feel to it; good stuff
2 honestly so fucking underrated it's annoying
1 beautiful harmony of voices
and the percussion is great
1 Magical!
1 Beautiful!
1 Love it ;)
1 This is a piece of art man. Incredible.