tell youre daughter good job

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0 -
0 That's actually really cool.
0 :)
0 ...futura musicista!! :)
0 i think ive i would let my two year old boy try this i need a new keyboard haha maybe even a new screen .. nice work from your daughter
0 kids are more intuitive for art than we are. try no t to educate her but help her to get where she wants in a composition. The rythm and concept of melodies are in her already. Cheers!
0 this is awesome!
0 So making nice music runs in the family, huh? ;)
0 very good for a six year old! :) i can hear sorta your style in that a little...nice track! :)
0 super cute what a beautiful family :)
0 agree with olaf! thats cute
0 she put the kick drum on 4 and 11....I was so proud. hahaha
0 Nice :)
0 eheheh, O.k Totts, consider yourself adopted ;) !
0 wow this is actually pretty good! haha