Still continuing to work in the same genre as the last few tracks. Finding it rather enjoyable.

Sadly, I've reached the point where bouncing parts is no longer an option, but rather a requirement as my home machine wont play any of the last 3 tracks I've made. Because of this I am forced to EQ on my work machine with a cheap set of earphones. Going to apologize ahead of time for any and all republishes. Sigh....

Thanks to everyone listed as a contributor! I used a lot of perc samples and a few presets to get me started. As always, please feel free to leave any comment, good or bad, that comes to mind. I value the critique more than the fav :)

Thanks for taking the time to listen to my music!

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  • I really enjoyed this. great work all around

  • yeah the synthsound is realy retro, you capture the 70's and 80's very well :~)

  • Love this one man, the synth that comes a 1.38 , really good melody, and well composition, really like it, good job Josh !

  • woooaaah awesome! :)

  • Really atmospheric! It'd be good for a video

  • Awesome :D

  • Haha yeah, was in the mood for your stuff! :)

    Heh, yeah man Slide On is amazing. It can add such movement and fluidity to melodies

  • Pulling out one from the vault :) Thanks for the kind words. I remember the first time I figured out the option to right click a note and slide onto it.... my mind was blown.

  • Oohh, of course imma compliment the glide leads, you always nail it man. Perfect amount of glide, attack and release etc

    Beautiful track too man :)

  • Glad you guys enjoyed it! The com truise influence you picked up on has to be due to the fact that I've been pretty much listening to his music nonstop for the past 6 months :)

  • So good, sounds very nice, a bit like com truise to me. I like that bass synth and I personally like the glidey lead, it changes a lot and has a great melody

  • unique, I am not a fan of the liquidy glide leads.. but the melody of this makes it easy to let my guard down and enjoy it for music's sake! Such beautiful textures this has! Especially the break! My goodness it's beautiful! That background noise synth is awesome.. I've got to take a look at it!

  • Thanks for the feedback @rnzr I appreciate the critique!

  • nice