can i get copy right for this ,will give you credit on yt
here is the second trap song that i had in the making, this one took a little while longer so i could work up on fixing various percussion here and there.
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0 -
0 Okay?!
0 Im mega late
I personally dont even know how i feel about this track...
0 im so late bros
0 thats dope
1 crisp af man, i dont normally like anything being out of tune or slightly muddy but i feel like it really adds something here, nice work <3
1 Honestly really like the chords and melody in this, reminds me a lot of Destroyer of Speakers by F.O.O.L aha
The weird crushed thing you got going on at 1:30 and through outsounds extra muddy and a bit out of place imho, but overall really digging this
1 the amount of crusher you have, is definitely HARDCORE
1 2:15 it seems a bit off tune, but if it was intentional then i really don't mind.
1 this is giving me some gamerboy trap vibes
1 i feel like the hats need more mixing, but at the same time i'm okay with it because it has it's own imprint on the track
1 that weird saw synth is addicting
0 Republished
sidechain added
1 Melody is good
The beat isn't too repetitive so that's good
1 sounds like some outerspace stuff i rlly like this