just sounds like normal trap you would hear someone rapping to

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1 -
1 This is unique. It's very soft and chill, it's got an 80's sort of Asian vibe. I feel like this could have been in Sebastian Star Bear... you have no clue what that is. Neato.
1 chill
like it
1 I don't about the 808 though
0 Good stuff right here
1 this has to be the best beat of 2019 lol this shit is crazy
0 mad respect
1 This is nice
I would use a slope to make the piano a little more clear
0 i needa promote this
1 yezzzzzzzzzzzz
0 Republished
bass eq
0 welp smooth trap
1 dis a hit!!!
0 chart?
1 Like the tranistions and super chill but i think the Vox is too loud tbh
(I don't have headphones because the og headphones don't work no moe)