how everything comes in and out is superb, this is one of the few tracks of 7 minutes that keep my interest from beginning until the end ... *marvelous work
tks for relistening guys :). Yeah, agree with you
for the bass missing a bit, and the hats are way too loud,adn the comp doens't works well in the 2nd part. Still siome work to do on it
Its a lot clearer yes but i personally liked the growly bass a little muddier (bit more bass ...). Ofc this is still great but it misses something now. Also possible that its just my ears that are tired b'cus of my two daugther yelling all day :D
I think this is realy good m8. Very well build-up and a killer bass sound (especially the growly intro bass). Also love the high sound at
. U use it so delicate and its perfect. I see a 303 but cant realy tell which sound comes from it. Just a guess would be the
sound :) (i could open the track but thats cheating)
The track gets better if u listen to it more often :D Thats a very good thing imo :)