idk this might be brazilian phonk (a lil jersey too).

The vocals are chopped its saying "back up in this" "ain't yo town" "now im living" "after one ni88a"

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  • yo, thanks for liking my song, even though i know it doesnt even come close to this lmao

  • this was sick, i wish there was a drop or switch up at some point in the melody. solid work

  • i second what po9t said, super solid track just needs some variation and maybe some nice low sub or smth to rlly drive the energy. i think it would benefit from a whole other section too, could be a whole club destroyer

  • 1k plays.

    1 more
  • Skeletnaya. Please remix my most recent track it has nothing in it but please make it fire.

    1 more
  • Republished

    pads n stuff



  • fire bro

  • wow what a track, also why do I hear the man saying Draco's penis?