Continuing the project: Syntwave, here you have one more track to do the sequence.

I hope you Enjoy!!




"All writing can be crossed out, but what has been said only remains to add."

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  • oh i love that transition as well!!! 01:51 and the following melody is very groovy, but it's a bit quiet. try using a curve EQ on that instrument, cut the low end, and boost the highs by maybe 1 or 2 db, that oughtta do the trick. Try to put the increase somewhere in the med-high frequency range. I'd try 2500 or 4500 or maybe even 5-6k.

  • nice harmonies with those arp chords!!! love the tone and feel that you've created!!! omg how have i not listened to this yet?? XD I absolutely love the spacey atmosphere

  • Good work