CREATED 2021-04-04




This track was made completely in audiotool. However, this draft has an issue when it is published in its normal state due to the Helmholtz not wanting to adapt to the base frequency (hz) or tuning of the track. After attempting to republish the track multiple times despite it sounding fine within the app, it was not listenable and had to be pulled from the site because of this bug. Due to this, I had to utilize the Patreon export feature to make this track publishable and listenable. If anyone working with Audiotool or any devs want to verify the authenticity of this track, all the devices have been left intact and I have left instructions within the track if you are wanting to do so; as we did make 100% of this track on audiotool and don't want it to be taken down.

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  • A sonic maze.

  • heissen and laevant collabing together just basically means "you're into for a very ear and brain inducing massage at a 5 star psychological hotel"

  • yo thanks for the heads up on that glitch; might have to check some of my own drafts to see if theyre affected

    • yeah :[ it's crazy because you can stop the track and then replay it and then it'll be fine. however, it's not like that with a publish. it's just reset, so in this case the song wasn't listenable when i published it no matter how many times i redid that

  • Finally fixed the transitions up to where it's much more listenable :]