

I never know how to write or traditionally feel any odd time signature, but I always love having an uneven push/pull that counts of 9 and seven bring. So here's a song that's in 9/4 or 9/8 pending on if you feel it in half time. rhythm is weird.

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  • I like this one, quite a lot.

  • Great sounds

  • my brain has a stroke listening to anything that is not in 4/4s time. OCD man everything just sounds off otherwise lol

    Still a great track

    • "unless you do it that way"

      it's just a way to think about the feeling. you can feel the upbeats that way, but you're still counting the same measures.

    • Down beats don't come early or late

      Unless you do it that way,I don't see how a down beat can be late or early

    • The main riff has 2 sections, one where the down beat comes early and one where it comes late. That's normally how i feel out odd times.

  • i love this

  • Only Naswalt can beat Naswalt

  • this really gives some 2018 vibes, I really like this good job naswalt.

  • how do i make any thing sound good it alll sounds terrible my music

    • Ok yeah i sent my best song. it is repetitive and garbage and bad sound desgined . im going to deelet the link once you click it so tell me so i can delete it as soon as possible ok

    • Unhide something besides bubbles and post to my wall so i can check it out. Don't be stubbornly negative

    • How do you know what my music sounds like I hid all of it also you probably never listened to it

    1 more
  • I think 9/4 or 9/8 as 3/4

  • awesome track!

  • Awesome! :)

  • Amazing! I like how the guitar riff plays with the grouping of beats in the bar.

    • "Push/pull" in any odd meter always is fun!

  • Very postrock vibe with Naswalt flavors, love this challenge so far, opens up creativity :~)

  • 9/11???

    • I can't use that time cigarette in the studio :(

    • i have history with that number!

  • fucking beautiful

  • Great one - yeah!