Monsterburg was a red icecream in the 80s which had some nice monstersticker inside. Its weird that I couldnt find a pic in the internet.

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  • awesome

  • nice track man!

  • very cool :), good track

  • beautiful track.

  • Cheeky sound, I like!

  • oh thanks mr andre...

  • powerful

  • Hm maby they have Bazoka Joe Chewing gum as well....

  • hardcore music, hardcore movies, hardcore food laws ;)

  • krass, so I have to go to netherlands...!

  • ife seen it on a list of iscreams near assen, netherlands but didnt know what it was till now.. and im not even from the 80's

  • thank you mates...It was a red castle with a white window, maby somebody has left it in his freezer, I would eat it....!

  • ehehe great track...never seen this icecream in italy... but we had something similar :)

    viva the 80s

  • Nice one (:

  • hehe thanks, as well to fontana, whatever this karl andre thing means