As the sun rose i said to my men: See the light our dark enimies cant hide

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  • k so i need help with the mastering of the basses

  • The beginning sounds nice and calm but it needs something to transition better into the more active part of the track, the drums are quiet (especially the kick), the bass is a little too loud, and it sounds like 2 bass notes are playing at the same time when the bass slides, which makes it sound unpleasant, but this has the potential to sound super uplifting

    • 2 bass notes are playing and ill work on the trasitions i wanted the slide but i couldent get it to

      slide seamlessly i may need help there

  • Add drums(put a kick at the beginning of all the note changes for your sub/low end and some snare)

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    like this??

  • k

    if you can supply me with a good low end snare