I often think about what it is like in Tokyo, What would it be like to visit a new place not just as a toourist but to actually stay a while meet people make freinds. Get to know the community and party with the locals in the clubs , i wonder what underground music they have that only people from there really get to hear. they seam like a fun people to me . I often wonder about many different cultures in this way . it is my dream for my music or media or really anything to bring me to such places as these. to expeience the real cuture and underground scenes at midnight around the world. though my First stop would be tokyo at midnight .

Track creation :

this track is inspired greatly from listening to astrum . I have been wanting to do a track like this for a while now but lacked the Know how and skills to pull it off like i wanted. I had a LOT of fun creating this

All the sounds in this track were created by me exept the noise sweep and the small vocal sample. I loaded a drum kit Using one shots that Xon loaded. But since i had to make a sample of my drums so i could loop them as audio tracks to save space for my CPU to work properly it does not add Xon as a Contibuter so i am doing that now

Thank you Xon For Uploading Real good Drum 1 shots

I used a puiv for every thing else. some small bass lines i wrote using my templates . witch i have made available . the rest of the pulvs (6 of them ) are in this track you are welcome to use any of my sound design wither from my templates or this track

Thank you Astrum , Xon ,Audio tool , all my followers, and /or isteners

PS i think this is Electro house but i am not sure some one please tell me if that is the correct tag for this thanks

Edit: changed Pic it seams that syntax and myself googled the same picture lol i like this one better any way ..

Nuther shout out to syntax. was thinking of her beeps when i wrote the high notes

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  • Very good.

  • good song, slightly stupid cover...

  • Refav ;)

  • So sick! Great song to work out to.

  • BTF!!!

  • I love the whole vibe of this song! Really works well with Tokyo theme, great job! :)

  • I probably have at least twelve of those plays lol

    Amazing track, every time I listen to a track of good quality such as this, I try to imagine the thought process of the creator, I cannot seem to imagine yours, your music is just, perfect. I can't believe I haven't heard of you sooner, you are now my new favorite audiotool artist. Second favorite artist in total.

  • Love the picture! ;) Great track btw

  • id throw in a cowbell comment but this is just too good to be sullied by such nonsense (even though it might have used just a touch to round out the track)

  • thanks yall Your comments mean a lot to me :)

  • I think I know that girl.

    I like the Japanese traditional sound on some of the synths. Very cool. Your synth work is always trully amazing and this is no exception. This might be me favourite track rom you. The rythym has me bouncing. Especially the break where there is the heavier bass. Figa!

  • Love the crazy high synths starting around 1:50 . Awesome track!!

  • Oh god, the bridge is amazing x)

  • Dat ass

  • Hot pic yo. MMMM