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  • I think the drop bass needs to be an octave lower or more gritty.

  • My favorite track of mine so far

  • Thanks for making this #2 on the edm charts

  • Republished


  • Republished

    Improved the mix

    • One more fix. I notice that the kickdrum is very distorted in the intro. But in the rest of the song it is balanced, so lemme fix that.

  • Snare buildup too loud, should be lowered. Kick should be lowered. Better and not so sudden transitions, basses need more low-end because for some reason it's not hearable.

    • I should probably use a reference track since I forgot

  • I can certainly hear some clipping in the beginning there, coming from the kick. It doesn't necessarily need that much power. Melodies are really nice. And sound design is really nice too, maybe some EQ on the mids of that bass/mid thing.

    • I'm gonna do it when I have more confidence

    • thanks for the feedback!

    • I agree

  • 01:31 makes me emotional because it's so much like Avicii's music. I miss him so much

  • There's a lot of highs on the mastering because it sounds better that way and I like how it sounds overall