I don't know what to do anymore. I want to create music, I love making music. I want to learn more and be more motivated. But i know that the answer isn't what i want to do, its what I will do. Every time I create a draft i end up deleting it, or not even progressing on it.

[Not a serious remix, just wanted to post and had this on my drafts.]

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  • gotta come back to this blessing

  • Taking a break from making music could help recharge your creativity. Like Mourn said, do something non-music related. If that's out of the question, maybe experiment with other genres you've never done before. Trying something different can spawn new ideas. It helped me a lot.

  • What I always do when I'm not feeling inspired is throw myself into something else, for me that's baking, working out, schoolwork, a job etc and then when I've done that a bit inspiration creeps in at the edges. Thinking all day about music isn't the way to do it imho b/c the music you make will always be better when it's driven by a creative impulse caused by other things in your life.

  • Thanks a lot everyone <3

  • Sometimes inspiration goes by, but it always come back. You're a great musician, this track is outstanding.

  • Big !!

  • Man ur very good. So dont keep deleting them. Sometimes going back to a draft after quite a while will let u look different to it. It can inspire u to do great things. Mostly i end up keeping just that one cool synth or a killer drum groove and delete everything else :)

    Every draft started with an intention and mostly with something that sounded good.

  • Ha, thanks guys <3 and yeah, Its still hard though, its like i'm still trying to find my own style or something. I dont even know

  • i hopw you find your shords man

    must be so difficult to go on without them

  • Killer beat, man!!!! I'm going through the same thing with my drafts. It bothered me for a while, but then i realized that not every idea is worthy of becoming a song. Failed drafts are the equivalent of practicing or jamming on a live instrument. Sometimes a jam will develop into a track, but even if it doesn't you've ended up learning. :)

  • that mixing thoo

  • ded syndrome

  • Drums! that open hat is so nice


  • holy shit tho