no complaints here. lol

All contributors are oneshots are cybals :)
A tad messy at times, yeah, but i got in from work, and started and finished this quickly
I wasnt quite sure how to end it, so ill most likely revisit that.
The bass got stuck in my head, so i went with it. Hope it gets stuck in yours too guys. Enjoy!
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0 -
0 Cheers docremix!
Sorry for the late reply haha
0 cool tune!
0 Thanks Vhh! :)
0 Nice bass! Quality sounds. :)
0 One with great potential/skill ;)
0 i'm just a lucky beginner (=
0 Cheers @icdh
Means a lot from an artist who's had a featured track :)
0 this is a great track
0 Thanks Abstract :)
ALthough its still 4/4, i prefer to have lots of off beat notes :)
Makes it sound crazy ;)
0 you always seem to work with the craziest, randomest mash of notes and still make it sound good :P
0 This one seems to approaching 100 too ;)
0 Cheers GunPanda! ( @Jambosh )
0 cool stuff! :)
0 Thanks fellas!
Yeah i thought, if that bass is comprised of 2 synths, why not split them up and give them their own lines ;)