Okay, let me say this first: this song appeared from NOWHERE...i mean it.
I was just chillin' outside in my balcony, i opened up my ableton live demo to mess around with it and i wasn't even thinking of what i was doing. I just started writing notes in the sequencers and testing the sounds, making them as simple and easy as possible...
Then when i played them together i got the sound you here now...i was amazed, i, at no moment, whatsoever was planning any of ti and it just...sorta made itself, in a way...
Since my demo doesnt let me save or export, i decided to make the song here in audiotool for all to listen.
Its not an exact note by note copy of what i had made in Ableton, but i fixed up any errors and gave the track i nice shine to get it sounding good.
The only problem i had with it was in the EQing, the bass kick Low EQ was causing problems as it was interfeering with the pad and making it sound like it was being run through a side-chained compressor...which was weird and a little problematic...i managed to fix it though...
I hope you enjoy the track :D
EDIT: fixed a few volume levels that were bothering me, workd a bit with the bass, kick, snare, rim and tried to make the pads softer plus did some little EQing...hope it worked :3
now that i think about it, i should fix the vol in the hihats and maybe place a Slope on the kick in LP filter plus increase its volume so it can be heard better through the mix...and the snare could use a fix too ( o.o)
second: its not a direct ableton to audiotool transfer...the description describes in a very descriptive manner...
i was messing around with my ableton demo, just writing notes, i wasnt really thinking of making a coherent track, only made sure that everything sounded good together...before i knew it, i made this track. what i did was read the notes from ableton and write them into audiotool, thus making what you hear here :3
glad you like it XxHEXOxX, the up down bass (and the song itself), i found that bass nearly by accident...just messing with ableton and wrote some notes and there ya go, weird bass out of nowhere :3