I have a feeling this is how hvd's brain works during the time when he's making music.

It is like you convert his neuron signals and data into sound. So I think this is what is happening in his brain while he's making music.


This has to be the toughest and yet simplest brainwork - done. I was failing miserably every time I tried to do this legendary dude. I even published one version, but removed it quickly. I then remembered an old track of mine which was deleted 4 years ago and started looking for it, because every time I remembered that track and played it in my head it gave me instant hvd vibes, maybe that is just me.. but here it is.

There is really nothing much to add about hvd... dude's a legend... a person who somewhat revolutionized AT sound design.

Go follow - @hvd


Check out other tunes:

Brainworks - Audiotool Role Play

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  • Those dreamy synths really bring me back to simpler times

    • right? the synth work on this makes me emotionally nostalgic the moment i flippin HEARD it

      this man right here knows how to use them chords to a heavingly extent

  • the 808 and 909 are too good to exist

  • god damn the drums in this one

  • i could name a few people i know here with sounds inspired by his synth design

    influence speaks for itself

  • unreal

  • mike's forever a legend in my mind

    he genre bends like no one else ive come across

    introduced me to so many variants of house, trap, hiphop

    one of the most creative on this site imo

    love this homage

    @hvd ty for your craft

  • woah

  • this really gives me the feeling of the old past

    the old 2016 past, the past when i just played roblox all the time and didn't get overly consumed by the thoughts of opinions, twitter, and negativity

    the past i wish i honestly kept

    the filter and pads only adds into these strong, personal feelings ngnhhh

    • glad this track brings you such tense emotions! Much Love!

  • Gritty space music

  • already coming back here to say hvd has a very killer pfp and it fits so perfectly as the cover art for this track like

    gosh DANG man just


  • really love the filtering

  • i like

  • i feel a sense of inspiration from this like

    good lord man just

    why- how i


    this makes me wanna go retouch drafts i haven't touched in a long time and finish them up acknjn

    • Thanks for tunning in tik :)

    • the strange sense of old and new swarming in my head all at once...

      fast paced warbles and nostalgiaaaa

    • this is def topping on being one of my fav brainworks from you gjenrgn

      i mean i freaking adore them all but this is just...

      so vigorously ethereal.

  • What usually happens when and while I'm producing is always about my mental state at the time, I suffer from Bi-Polar depression and it hits me in various ways, and the only way for me to convey/or channel that is through music. Basically what i'm saying is Mood/feelings/Current Mental health status along with some experimentation and Genre-bending is how my music is made.

    Hope this helps in the future!

    • Vltra's music is definitely one of my AT go to guy for ideas and inspiration, WPX is the standard for analog.

      You should check out a guy named "Oxblud" on here too, hes a great musician.

    • Interesting info, thanks for sharing!

      The whole idea of this album is my personal interpretation of someones music, not - being someone type thing since it is impossible :)

      This, Vltra's, Voyd's, WPX's and Roy's tracks are my personal favorites!

  • I want to say first of all; Thank you so much for this, means alot that I inspire someone.

    Secondly, This is deep and very atmospheric, the beat complexity and groove are great, the lofi-esque filter and subtle dirt (distortion/crunch) are spot on, and analog feel is definitely a plus.

    You replicated my "style" quite well. <3

    • We do hope to see new tracks from you! Keep it up and thank you for tunning in here!