Two exams down, one to go.

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  • i remember that hype af preview of this

  • I'm taking the drum pattern lol

  • HOW HAVE I NEVER HEARD OF THIS TILL NOW?! Dang man this is really good drums and synths blend really nicely and are so solid

  • Excellent !

  • oiiiiiiiii yassss

  • Even more bad ass than the last time I heard this

  • does anyone have any diapers cuz i ran out on this song. thx teq. >:[

  • Dat refave tho.

  • #Like this

  • Lol the title of this is something in a show called supernatural pretty cool XD

  • Imma be driving around town blasting this in my car for a week. SEE WOT U DID M8Y?! XD It's really a sweet song. Keep 'em coming!

  • Waited 9 years to hear the song. Isn't dissapointed at all.

  • tied with teaser

  • @TEQTONIQ yes, it is. I just wanted to see if youd notice.

  • Bruth this is hard. I likey this direction you going in