shoutout to @ApoC for coming in clutch. literally saved the song from getting abandoned.

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  • Republished

    The kickdrum sounded very wobbly and it was causing issues in the mix so I added a little synth kickdrum to layer the machiniste. I also put a sweep riser fx to transition in between sections. I also made the low-end of the kick have more punchiness to it and some of the other frequencies as well that was connected to the multiband.

    • I wish I would’ve added more to this… smh

    • Ok

    • Still need to fix some stuff. Bare with me please

  • oh my god the mix is so clean i love this

  • i'll try to compose a future bass version of this I guess

  • 1:25 living for this part of the song

  • Love the way that bass sounds with those chords