This was me testing how wonky I can get and just messing around with sound design

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  • alright, lemme constructively criticize here.

    first, the drums don't fit well together (i fuckin love the snare imo but it just doesnt fit the track).

    second, the bass is WAY too detuned. steal a blasta effect chain for the least.

    finally, wrong bpm. if youre doing riddim, it kills me to see that its not at 140. 140 is the bpm that really makes a riddim track work.

    otherwise, noice job m8.

    me likey.

  • too much detune, and peaks, and everything that hurts an ear

    Good sound design though :D

    • thx i was really working on if it hurts the ears lol

  • you can keep all that corporate chapelle show crap, i'm hanging out with cool diaper right activists with milliondollarextreme

  • sicko bro-o

  • Cool

  • sound design is not bad, that snare is nono tho

    • Yea lol i was just SD

  • @relative mAJOR this was the thing i inv me cuz i needed help making it sound better