Plenty of thanks to Arcade for his help on this track!

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  • very cool!

  • 100 :))

  • why did i find this now D:

  • The Stranger Things vibe is unreal

  • It is very interesting as all part with loose sounds and arming harmony. Excellent.

  • ooh

  • This is absolutely sick guys!!!

  • awesome drum patterns

    • I knew I already listened to this I really enjoyed it though haha

    • @Snowfire do it. it should be an easy secret.

      here's a hint: check youtube

    • Hmm... I take that as a challenge to find it.

    8 more
  • Can't quite listen to this yet, but I will as soon as I get a chance to.

  • I don't think you want anything louder. The loudness is just fine. What you need is more clarity. For one I would dial down if not remove the saturation on the instruments. You have a lot of high end sounds all clashing, I might try EQ-ing off some of the high end on some of the parts such as the bass. Scooping out some frequencies on instruments to make room for others. It's hard to say more without being able to see the track.

  • damnn i see you :)

  • biggest crossover since scooby doo and batman

  • dream collab

  • this is a bop.

  • amazing