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  • 💜

  • Really makes me want to remix it...

  • This is great ! Easily my favourite from you. Love the vibes, and +1 for the solo

  • Super le lead ! Tu t'es arraché !

  • I like the style and synth choice. It’s hella fire.

  • Funky!

  • Je vais pas mentir c'est vraiment bien fait!! Je pense que tu as trouvé un bon équilibre entre les synths et les drums. Selon moi, tu pourrais mieux mixer les voix car elles se font masquer par les autres éléments à certains endroits :)

  • Pretty cool!

  • Having a more prominent bassline would definitely make this stand out more. At least layer a sub

  • Great

  • If I had to find the needle in the haybale, that phaser on the harmony is probably a LITTLE too strong for my taste, but it's a preference thing so disregard it if you'd like xdd

    I LOVE the choice of synths; everything fits so well together! The voice sounds amazing, too, and the texture of the whole thing is stunning! The composition couldn't be any better either. Yeah, I said too much LOL

    thanks for sharing this with me!! <3

  • Well made, great texture.


  • Nice!!!

  • Very well made , love the melody in the second part , really awesome.

  • oml its so beautiful, also the cover reminds me of every cat commercial is japan