Sandburgen, great Rasselbock-Action ;)

forgot to tag, sorry
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0 Dieser Effekt lässt sich mit einem groovigen Delay noch auf die Spitze treiben. Hatte das vor ein paar Tagen mal gepostet ; ) -> fallingLikeADrop
0 thanks mate
0 good work!
0 nee sumad, in diesem fall war's ein reverse hall in reason ... aber den trick den du meintest hab ich auch schon benutzt, geile sache.
One rasselbock is not in use Infuthsion, forgot to delete ;)
0 I like how this required 3 rasselbocks
0 lol maybe i'll just get a bunch of friends to yell it out at the same time
0 i wanna make one but i have a really bad cold right now. :( will have to wait for a few days..
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0 cooler effekt kann es sein sample umdrehn reverb drauf und dann wieder reverse?
0 I have audacity...maybe should have tried that. I just recorded mine straight into the tool.
0 Damn! I wish I could make a jingle, I don't have a microphone to record my voice with. x.x
0 Your cousin has a sexy voice...very cool effect too.
0 ah ok i'll try to record with soundforge...or ableton...maybe sounds better :)
0 I haven't recorded it with audiotool, first had to work with it in a sound editor. denoising and stuff like that ... then reason, and then uploaded it to audiotool. Audacity is ok as a free wave editor and the denoiser in it is ok aswell