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  • hello your music is good can you help me out in my drafts figure out what im doing wrong please.

  • nice shit dude. This melody got me boppin my head rn lol

  • wow, tf happened to you.. this is amazing

    • I much to learn indeed yes yes use the force

    • Thanks

    • lol, what a response. i love it, it sounds confident

    1 more
  • BRO #1 IN EDM??????!!!!!




  • AYOOO! lets go get 200 plays ey?

  • *cracks knuckles*

    *hits remix button*

    • rip :(

    • i would if i could, but like I said Audiotool bugged out

      theres a reason its on soundcloud and not here, its because im unable to publish it

    • vulk

    6 more
  • less gooo#3

  • muito legal,ótimo trabalho!

  • this is nice how did you make it

    • i lot of effort went into this but i am happy to teach you

  • chart pogggg! :D


  • Great!!! :D

    1 important thing: only sidechain durning the drop, it makes it hit much harder

    also add more gritty bass just to give the drop more energy.

    Also, experiment with adding more reverb to the leads, idk if it's gonna work tho XD (make sure to cut lows of the reverb and use quasar reverb, my preset)

    • nice, now it sounds much better

    • i did some side chaining automation have it sidechain only during the drop

    • @Brooks :) they are both reverbs but the pink one has a more metalic resonance and less parameters to control the sound

    5 more
  • The mid basses are cool, the sound selection is good. I like what you did with the percussion. However, the lead can be mixed a lot better with the bass because it sounds like it is clashing with it. I also think that you could fatten the basses up some more because they sound thin. I don't hear enough low end, and a lot of mids in my opinion.

    17 more
  • I wanna remix!

  • ah this is great!