yeah seems really generic to me
i've heard this shit in 2014 to 2016
no offense
i didnt feel like waiting until thursday
Feel free to hit that remix button and screw around with this stuff. i dont think i was ever gonna finish it
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yeah seems really generic to me
i've heard this shit in 2014 to 2016
no offense
yeah, i may not be wearing headphones so this may seem wrong but the chords are a lil too highpassed, and the melody and chords seem really generic. i suggest spicing things up and experimenting, tbh. but other then that, it's okay
Everything is great, but I passionately dislike some of the mixing. Ngl this pretty dope doh.
> he said Hit the Remix button.
Ooo I like that old ass sounding saw 1:38
Das my kinda shit.
ouch, way too heavy on the 4khz range (or 2khz, i cant tell, but its up there)
Fucken amazing, even though its two years old it's amazing
crazy how this won ATday :flushed:
The only difference from this and now is sound design and kinda mixing
pretty fuckin tight