UPDATE: rey's 200 remix comp (RESULTS)
Again big thanks for the 200 now for my first remix comp
0. Take any one of the samples and flip it (or use however many u want)
1. gotta be more than a minute long
2. any genre is fine
3. no collabs
4. u can repub but only before the due date
Theres only one prize that has money involved so try to remix this to the best of your ability.
1st place: $50 (paypal)
2nd place: pat on the back idk
3rd place: ill suck ur toes
0th place: (for any of u fuckers that makes a meme out of this) prize TBD
Additional prizes to be announced when placements are given.
Also 4th place and below will be honorable mentions
Deadline: October 31st
GLHF don't die
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0 -
2 Read desc
2 Aright bois contest is now closed. Judging will now comence.
0 Una dia
3 Also i kinda started judging a bit and i have some placements in mind already
0 Should i do another one when i hit 300?
0 One more day yall get those entries in
1 oof dont have timeee
0 ouuu
1 one week left if ur still working on an entry get to fuckin work
1 I did 1 2
1 13 entries and around a month left
0 The anticipation settles in...