favorite one for years

pew pew pew
i might remix this w/ an actual title nd w/o the vox just bc i kinda love this beat by itself a lot
hope y'all like it <3
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0 Could I use this for a youtube channel? (Audiotool has its own youtube channel but I would like to do something else) Please let me know if you are interested, and check out my bio for more info.
(I don't scam lol.)
1 Quick question. How do you do what you did with the synths? Kinda new to using synths would like some tips. Thanks :)
1 Republished
intro edit
2 01:12 YAS
2 yO how did i miss this
0 Republished
bass was 2 fuzzy
2 ohhh, this is still a masterpiece
1 Republished
louderer (might edit more later)
3 how do you vocal or auto tune
1 damn
1 fukn damn
1 this sounds like a real rap song omgoggmogmfom
4 the beat is so chill but the vocals are not my taste not really in to mumble rap