One sample, no presets - and too much curves lol


It makes sense if you listen until the end :)

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  • Very nice

  • ayyy 6th.

  • Good job with your own presets! Didn't chart though :(

    • ik that but I think it deserves the chart ;)

    • Thanks ! I'm a bit disappointed but ambient is even more famous as synthwave, so it's more difficult to be charted :/

  • ahah, super sympa ce que t'as fait avec le kick, j'aime bien ce genre de challenge ;)

    • Héhé merci, je me suis en partie inspiré de toi pour cette musique donc content que ça te plaise !

    • et une track époustouflante comme d'habitude !

  • ahh those arps and the bass combo... major @almate vibes, and hes my fav artist

    ahh i cant get enough, plz plz plz make more <3333333

    • Thanks for your support ! I didn't know almate and i like to discover new artists

      Yeeeeess i will continue, i've been addicted to audiotool XD

      And it's a big YES (of course) for a collab, but maybe not yet, i will tell you when i will be open for collabs :)

    • we should collab when i get back xDD with both out minimalist tracks recently... omfg what if we merged em xDDDD

    • ahh shitt i got to the second partttt omfggg

  • amazing percussion work and pretty much just everything on the second bit

    • Thanks ! It's a pleasure to read your feedback

  • omfg nice one man! :DDD

    lmao i get the curves desc xDD i get lagged like a mf when i have too many

  • H



  • oh friggles i forgot to take a look at this


    • Thanks ! That was my first track with no presets, and it makes me happy that you like it that much

      Indeed, the second part is inspired from sea foam and a bit from Client XD

      Thanks a lot for your feedback !!

    • i dont know how you do it man, but everything about this is top notch and i give it my SEAL of approval >:((

    • but man, the arp work and the background noises work together so strongly on this, the wind in the beginning that slowly transcended to the next sounds was smooth as all heck, and the second part?? dang the drums and percs on this one w/ the reverb added such a lively atmosphere to the track that i think without it, the second part wouldn't have finished out so strongly, and man does the pad work remind me so much of seafoam's usage of space, which makes this even MORE enjoyable to listen to!

  • Hey, I love this! While the wind doesn't sound like actual atmospheric wind, it does fit the song better this way. The first part is definitely my favorite (I'm at atmospheric guy) but the second part is as awesome. I like the nice repeat of the first section at the cadence. If I had to recommend one thing to change, I think the bass/lower frequencies at section A could be tuned a bit more to fit the song, but that's just a detail. The track itself is great, amazing work Lavalamp!

    • Thanks a lot !

      I will try to modify the bass at section A indeed

      A great pleasure that you enjoy it :)