Just changed title, enter the contest :D

My entry for Panic Attack's remix contest :)

Instead of going for the usual wub wubs, I went for a melodic dubstep like Lost Woods.

Made this pretty quick, took me 3-4 days. So it is a little rough, but I think it has the potential to be my best work as of yet. So help me by criticizing, giving feedback, heck even bashing can do :) I am proud of this, but with your help I could be even more proud of it!

Update: Changed quite a lot. Well a little. Added effects to intro lead and added variety with a rasselbock. well two.

Please don't hate on me for taking off free download. I'm not doing the whole EP thing with Waveform for money, I'll see if people would actually like it enough to pay for it. If it doesn't work out, but youtube video gets likes a lot, I'll bring back free download.

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