Woo! This song was heavily inspired by (obviously) Star Wars and Darklite's style. I made this song in hopes that it would grow my fanbase so I have something to stay for x3 I love you guys! Without anyone to listen to my music I would be nothing but with you guys liking and commenting I feel like for once I'm actually worth something :)
Btw I left it on remix so you guys can see what I did, it's the most simple setup I think I've done in forever xD and yes, I did use some presets. Ik, newbish :P
actually now hold up... YOU DID STEAL IT! not that Reboot didn't ''steal'' it in the first place... but this is some next level blazen copy paste enter shit. Explain.
Seriously it's not cool to steal my track, and do it so obviously too. There are many strategies to keep the original track hidden but I find it amusing how idiotically this was done.