The title is from a passage in the novel "Mr. Splithoof" by Samantha Hunt. Doesn't have any deep meaning. Just some nonsense that I thought would make a great song title. :)
Well, this is beastly-embarrassing for me: That comment was, I thought, typed into @DamnLulluby for the For Whom The Bell Tolls track. I still totally dig this track. Man, I really no0b3d this one up. Here's your comment: Mate, if Spiders did Have Tongues, they'd be lickin' you all over cos of how sweet this track is!
hehe! Thanks Sndbrgn. I'm not a fan of spiders either. I Live in a house covered in vines so I'm basically infested with all sorts of different varieties. I guess you could say that I'm at war with them.