Adventure beyond your wildest dreams.


4/16 - Horizons (Classic Mixes)

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  • Republished

    Will this put downloads up?

  • Republished

    FINISHED, but still open to feedback. This is likely the final edit, but it might still get improved.

  • Republished

    You guys deserve a full listen. (Transitioning will come later.)

    I need feedback on this track especially. How's the mix? How's the key change? How can I improve?

  • Wait a minute, how'd you move this to next?

    • You can open Flash projects while you have Next open. This will convert the project into Next (with unpredictable accuracy).

  • Republished

    Updating to the most recent changes.

  • I guess I can contribute by saying add some glide on the lead

  • Republished

    I've got something going here :) Don't worry, the alternate key wasn't scrapped, in case you liked that one better :P

  • yeah, I can't do anything

    • Damn... Well, we'll try another track another time, I guess.

  • Republished

    Mastering, and more changes.

  • Ok, I’ll check it

    • Also, I'm working on it right now, if you're wondering. Making some small changes.

    • You can if you want, I'm just not sure if your computer will want to

    • wait, am I even a part of this anymore

  • Republished

    I wanted to update this, and ask for feedback on a possible key change.