gets me inspired :)!

Had a little bit of a problem with the sub. Couldn't EQ it right without losing the sound that I wanted. I ended up compromising; sorta the sound I wanted and sorta not clipping. :) Let me know if it's too much.
Hope ya like it!
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0 -
0 Very COOL!
0 really hot track
1 Very cool !
0 ...deep
1 //
great, I love pork chops:)
0 acid trip.
0 and yeah, this pic has definitly big ears :)
0 andf btw the clicking could be missed if you didn't talk about it. I don't think to a sound level automation, but rather for an FX pedal starting ?
0 wow outerspace sounds! An the perc are really great, coool track m8 !
0 Wow, great tune with big atmosphere!
Thumbs up my friend ;-)
0 Neat atmosphere! :D Were there any pigs in harm in the making of this track?
0 Great grat one ...
0 oh man that is so much better... i'm fuckin jamming here. I'm kind of interested in your clicking scenario, i think i'll try and take a stab at it
0 Republished
Brought the highs down a bit, maybe needs more. Still can't fix that f'ing click!