Again. *ahem* ...
He can't believe it! Defeated by such a small creature like Onei... No. He will not stand for this. Cor Caroli's rage overflows, causing him to transform. The game has just changed. Onei's doom is nigh. This dramatic form is called Sundream.
Sundream Cor Caroli enters by hurling a hypermassive star at Onei, destroying an absolutely massive amount of the area (before this theme starts). He manages to somehow avoid being vaporized, but was swept away to a different area entirely. Onei stands absolutely NO chance against Sundream Cor Caroli, and he flees for his life!! Onei runs away through brief sections of every area he's been in before, all while Sundream Cor Caroli is hurling unstable stars at him, causing untold destruction. Will Onei be able to escape?
Sundream Cor Caroli dons a bigger and deadlier appearance. He appears to take on a glowing hot orange-pink-gold armor suit that more closely resembles a 4-point star. Along with the armor suit, he wears a helmet that covers most of his facial features. His plasma-like hair leaks out of some parts of his helmet in a stylish, but unintentional manner, like energy bursting from the seams. Directly behind his helmet is an enormous, bursting, spiky ponytail of plasma-like mental energy. Sundream Cor Caroli has 4 arms: the upper 2 being armored, and the lower 2 being pure mental energy. Aside from these special features, he still seems to be a bit humanoid.
[LOOP START - 2:18 | TIME SIGNATURES - 4/4, 7/8]
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