I know it's simple and boring and I put a lot of samples but this is what it feels like to fall in love from my standpoint. It's to represent how it feels to fall in love. A simple crush, realizing that you're falling, the uncertainty that comes with it, letting yourself fall and lastly, being in love. I'll later be adding to it slowly. But as some may know, for me, music is the way to communicate how I feel most times. So most of my stuff is from what I've felt or what I'm feeling. Some may not understand this piece or not like it and that's ok too. I just wanted to share this with you guys. I also have upcoming collabs and some other stuff to look forward too. If you manage to make it all the way through, thank you. I know it's a little on the boring side and I apologize.


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  • 1. Meet a guy

    2. Have fun with guy

    3. Get guy's legal name

    4. Sign a deed poll and change his name to Love

    5. Kill man

    6. Blend the body into smoothie

    7. ??????

    8. Profit

    9. Take a rock and put on floor

    10. Trip on rock and fall into body smoothie. You have now fallen in Love

    7 more
  • you forgot the part where you break up and realize love did not have to get physical at all.

    3 more
  • dam this good

  • Nice one!

  • Some chills on this one. Thanks for this ! uwu

  • Republished

    I made some minor changes and fixed some harmonies

  • Hmmmmmmm.

    2 more
  • Its not boring, its atmospheric :D You'd be surprised how much people like to just chill and vibe to atmospheres like this

  • there will be a day when u fully understand audiotool and (partially understand) music theory and on that day u will blow up and i am waiting eagerly

    • I agree

    • yes, u are 3

    • Hell yea

      There are 3 types of people

      Producers that cant sing

      Singers that cant produce

      Sperms that stole all the talent and can do both