a decoy world almost identical to our own

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  • just awesome

    chords could be a little less sTrOnK in the drops, but that's just my opinion

    like what you did with the tonematrix

    • tf was my dumbass saying i need those chords STRONGER

  • thanks for a 100 favs

  • guys lets get this to 100

  • Republished

    mastering changes :)

  • Hello it is me pablo diablo ¨

    Very nice song!! You are best music? Yes!!!

  • I live for the garage parts :D

  • yo wth 1000 plays bois

  • 69 like lmfao xD

  • oh dear god i just realized i never faved

  • wooo 500 plays

  • yooo thanks for that chart bois <3

  • please this needs to chart

  • would recommend the sub not having any reverb (if it does) and setting it mono. When the sub changes notes, it plays the next note while the first note is still fading out, so u can hear them both at the same time, which makes them clash

    • the sub doesent have reverb. but i assume you refer to the garage part where i have a lowend pad playing together with a sub and a tonematrix. the lowend pads lower notes could probably be clashing with the sub. and there is reverb on the lowend pad.

  • that garage part is p hotttt my duude

  • ooooh chords