I've always wanted to make a Bump for them, I always grew up on that station, Mike just doesn't do French house, He is working on Adult swim bumps as well.

Hip hop synth my favorites. Specially melody synths.

But, Tell me what you think?

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  • with a bit of mixing this would be sick asf

  • .......pffffffft.

  • Incredible bruh. Lovin it too hard.

  • I have no clue.

  • right on - wtf am i doing letting it dive hehe

  • Is it not!, Swan dive into a sea of hemp!

  • hemp diving awesome

  • that's not the waveform

  • ;D

  • or just play with an 808 instead lol

  • Awesome! Clipping a bit but awesome! I see a lot of potential, maybe even remixable for me. When I have time I could remix this into a Depression Hip Hop.

  • Yes you totally did it for me. Nice.

    0.33 hit me and it was good

  • Thanks, Edge.

  • Really cool great job man

  • Sure, take ah crack at it.

    Do it well too, *smiles harder*