Keep in mind this is my first official future bass track

so theres bound to be more then 1 problem in it

Feedback anyways???

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  • wow. this is really cool. good work bro

  • You should add a riser before the first drop

    • lol ;) i guess i have a sharp ear

    • icebox found it out.

      The Inversion chord trick

    • u can make a heisen super saw, play an extremely high note, out ott, EQ high end, add waveshaper distortion, and then automate the gain and pitch. another way is to make a long sine note, add distortion, ott, and then automate the pitch and the gain lol just what i'd do if I didn't have good riser samples

      also I see that chord change trick hahahahah

    3 more
  • want feedback



    love it

    best you made

  • For your first future bass track, this is amazing, ngl.

    Put an lfo on the sub. Also add another layer almost like another sub but make it an octave higher and make it a saw/square - whatever floats your boat really - and make sure to eq it. Detune the ever living fuck out of your current saws. Use stereo detune and stereo enhancer and set your first and second osc to 2.5 and -2.5. Use eq and limiter on your saws too. Use quantum on your sub.

    This is amazing, broski. Keep up the badass music!

  • Honestly, even though you added an LFO, this still sounds more EDMy. Mixing is great, but none of the clear LFO drops are being heard, they are being muffled by the chords. Also, I am not getting a strong bass in some parts. I can hear the sub, but is missing a bit of the low end. also Future is kinda spiky genre i you know what I mean. Chord staps are good, but they need to be more often and less spaced out. Anyway, that is my op. Good Job!

    • i don't turn on too much lfo, due to togetherness.

      I need that tofetherness