Ok guys, I know I haven't spoken for a long time, well, now I bring you this song, song for which I have a particular appreciation for the way in which it is written, "Triplets".
I am trying to improve the way of overlapping the synths, so that they are not overlapped, but rather complement each other.
likewise the bass line.
"All writing can be crossed out, but what has been said only remains to add!"
(I really liked the idea that zir0h and CeriXyn had on their track):
Lag level: moderate
Machiniste: 2 synths (Drums and top drums);
pulverisateur: 6 synths (2 main lines, 1 secondary line, 2 stable line, 1 standard synth, 1 white noise);
Heisenberg: 5 synths (3 basses (which are completed), 1 main line, 1 standard synth);
Cover Credit: (link is only visible to registered users)
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