(In-game dialogue)

(Conjour) Human, you performed very good.

(Boyfriend) Skedoop.

(Conjour) However...

(Boyfriend) Beep?

(Conjour) You almost made me pass out.

If it happens again, that could mean bad news to me.

(Boyfriend) Beep Boop?

(Conjour) I'm not sure another round will cut it.

My brother will be here soon, and he'll likely throw his jokes at you as he did to me.

(Boyfriend) Beep bop.

(Conjour) [Sigh] Alright, you win human.

This time, I'll not go easy on you like last time.

(Boyfriend) ...?

(Conjour) Let's just cue the music then.

(Music Starts)


Day 2 is out for Conjour; I have no idea what to use for Day 3 as a base, but I'll post it in the comments whenever I get a chance. If anyone wants to help out on this OST, feel free to comment on my wall whenever you're interested. Hope you enjoy, and good luck making some music.

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