I was just drawing and then I thought, "What if I made a song for a Go-Kart game?" and thus, this was born. xD enjoy :)

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  • This is your best track, it's sad you produce GaRbAgE nOw!

  • 👌

  • Cool melody!

  • Kinda like it. Not my style, but it's cool.

    • xDDD

    • Wow. Just realized I actually am one of your favorite people.

      Ladies and gentlemen, it's true. Hurakan stays true to his word!

    • lmao

    2 more
  • I wanna remix this...

    1 more
  • cute :)

    • xDDDDD why did i just see this? xD

  • 4 weeks(a month) niceee :DD

  • this is my 3rd most popular song? interesting.......

  • this was made in my 1st week here on my new account and its still like my 5th most popular track. damn

  • just need 1 more listen to get to 300.... OOF MY OCD IS KILLING MEEEE

    12 more
  • its amazing that my 1st song went to a #2 chart slot. I'm impressing myself every day with my shit I make lmao

  • Oh hey dude, sorry that I missed that you'd asked me to listen to this one.

  • I know an undertale sfx when i hear one. (._. )

  • Hmm

    Nice one.

    U used just one synth, i might say to u use more than just one, add some bass or something. Another thing, u could alterate the melody sometimes, turning it into minor scales or something, changing the chords progression, something like that. Just let ur mind fly over, XD.

    By the way, nice one, keep going!


    • thx for the advice bro! :D ill keep that in mind for future tracks.

    1 more

    @SpearmintBPS do you think I can do it? lmao