weeb. This is going to my debut album too XD, we'll be adding vocals later. If you've heard from the original, the melody was pretty simple, but it was the inspiration from which I managed to expand the track into a simple chord progression. My initial aim was to teach h2o some synthwave, hopefully I've done that right :)
yo! im h2O snd ive inly strted ussing AT recently depsite beiing on it for like 9 months. this collb was so fun even though it gpt postpned a lot nd i reallly lpve it, but its gonna be even better with bocals! im relsly fucking durnk rn
First before I give any crit, h20 are you good? Lol, anyway, I think this song needs a much better baseline. The reerbed claps r annoying in my op. Also the saws need to be stronger and more forceful to give a synthwave vibe. Next i think the kick could be stronger. I think you overreerbed this song honestly, too much is meshing. The lead needs to be be stronger in the buildup, it is getting beried in the chords.
I am no synthwave expert haha, It's a genre I want to get better in, but I can't crack the sound design for it. sometimes I tag a prog track as synthwave as there isn't a prog house tag :/
I'm not saying you should introduce any crazy basses. but you could toy with the envelopes with automation to add some slow variation into the bassline. Maybe have a slightly more staccato section? just a thought.