haha Kay i'm going to try to make that synth be epic

Check out the original by CallyKay i love itt.
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0 ...lol... my hair... juss... lays.. noting special... oh well, I let go so you can work with that template!
0 Lmao XD wait, it's wiffy? I guess thats good welll thannks! yeah i have my own personal hairstylist. you know, it's all nonshilon.
0 I'm trying so hard NOT to be creepy but it's so neat!
0 , oh...it's fine, there is a character in their and your hair...gosh i love you hair...it's soo wiffy...ANY WAY! you remind me...or at least you appearance reminds me of him...
0 Nooo I'm not really a book reader haha
0 have you every heard of the maximum ride series... it's a book...
0 Awesome! Lol i wanna make a song with that
0 try it...
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0 (:
0 I played with it one time but i gave up. that would help soso much Thankss
0 nonono yeah i do!
0 or... you could juss leav me hang n
0 oh, their easy, would you like help, i could make you a template i always use... honestly if you could care less speak now...