DEAD LINE: September 10th
But i can change it again if someone doesn't finish the track before the due date :)
There aren't any rules... just make a remix!
I will make an album of the best tracks... and if this contest will be popular hopefully audiotool will feature it :)
If you like the idea of this remix contest and you are inspired just remix this track and tell other artists to join it.
Thanks to all my supporters for this amazing 3 years! :)
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0 -
0 o dang
0 alright everything is done now i think haha
0 Republished
remasterd; extended drop.
0 i know i just didn't think my stuff was all that impressive i didn't wanna be that guy pushing some bogus music lol
0 you gotta talk to artists thats how i did it :()
0 that would be crazy id die haha I've gained zero attention in my three years of audiotooling it'd be nice
0 bro you might win idk :)
0 imma do it lol also put some reverb on the lead and clean up the mix before the contest is over haha i liked it kinda dirty but i think i can make it high fi without losing grit
0 yeah :D
0 like double the section without the lead and pads correct?
0 double it
0 haha no one ever favs my stuff lol and any suggestions on how to progress the first drop?
0 i think you should make longer the first drop
0 why does this have 2 favs?