I need to learn how to do this soon

friday night vibes
did this in a an hour or so, then added a future bass drop
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0 -
4 *adds future bass tag*
1 unusual bpm choice haha
0 lol this is on the charts for like 2 seconds
0 omg!! How??!!
0 And look who charted once again! <3
0 The lead sounds somewhat derpy but cool. Nice pad wubs
0 tbh, the fast lfo kinda throws me off from the rest of the vibe...just me? okie
0 ahhhh i just realized the image is WATERMARKED
0 I dont remember this being published but ok cool nice
[a comment downvoted by multiple users] 0 niceeeeee nigger werbs!!! this go harrd
(*i felt a chart coming isnt it*)
0 love the intro really beautiful synths
0 w00000aahhh <3
0 Republished
i think it's finally done